Golden age of piracy
Early in the 18th century, the pirates were the most overwhelming and influential in the history of the world. Thousands of pirates were active between 1650 and 1720. During this time more than 5000 pirates were said to be at sea. These years are sometimes known as the golden age of piracy. During this time period almost all important sea trade routes were constantly impacted by enormous numbers of notorious sea robbers which were the pirates.
During this time the last buccaneers actually disappeared from the Caribbean and privateers found themselves without jobs. Therefore they chose piracy as their trade, which is because of the lack of government in the Caribbean islands and the American colonies allowed pirates to sail free and pillage ships without punishment. These pirates had a terrifying reputation. They advertised this by flying gruesome flags such as a skull and crossbones.
These Pirates threatened the trading routes of Ancient Greece and seized cargoes of grain and olive oil from Roman ships. Golden age pirates plundered ships in the Caribbean mostly, but also Atlantic coast, west coast of Africa, Indian Ocean, and South China Sea was also often terrorized. Legends like Blackbeard and Bartholowmew Roberts plundered many ships and killed countless victims in early 1700s.
Nevertheless because of the behavior from these pirates and people like Woodes Rogers, the governor of Bahamas, brought order to entire Caribbean, which led to piracy being surprised and ultimately coming to an end. The golden age of piracy came to an end but during this time is when piracy was at its highest peak and when the ship plunderers and sea robbers were at there best.

These Pirates threatened the trading routes of Ancient Greece and seized cargoes of grain and olive oil from Roman ships. Golden age pirates plundered ships in the Caribbean mostly, but also Atlantic coast, west coast of Africa, Indian Ocean, and South China Sea was also often terrorized. Legends like Blackbeard and Bartholowmew Roberts plundered many ships and killed countless victims in early 1700s.
Nevertheless because of the behavior from these pirates and people like Woodes Rogers, the governor of Bahamas, brought order to entire Caribbean, which led to piracy being surprised and ultimately coming to an end. The golden age of piracy came to an end but during this time is when piracy was at its highest peak and when the ship plunderers and sea robbers were at there best.
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